Photo by Yoshihiro Miyagawa


Mariya Suzuki is an artist currently based in Tokyo. She was born in Nara and studied illustration in Long Beach, California.  
She has contributed her work for many musicians, food professionals, and books and magazines from around the world. In addition to printed media, she also collaborates with interior designers to draw murals. Aside from work, she enjoys going around town to draw subjects whose shape or story catches her attention. 

Mariya Suzukiは奈良生まれのアーティスト。日常の中のあらゆるものを見て描くことを得意とする。いつもスケッチブックを鞄に、生活しながら、まちを歩きながら心に響く形やストーリーを感じるものをとらえることが好き。

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