Solo Show "Sketchbooks"
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The show will feature my past and recent sketchbooks with drawings of my everyday life. I will also hold bookbinding workshops.
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The show will feature my past and recent sketchbooks with drawings of my everyday life. I will also hold bookbinding workshops.
黒木ユタカさん、新目 惠さん、わたしの3人です。
I am having a solo show at Gallery Mar in Kunitachi.
I am going to draw portraits under BALMUDA desk light at their flagship store in Aoyama.
ARToVILLA Marketという展示会に参加させていただきます。
日本橋三越3Fミグジュアリーにて、POP UPをします。原画、手ぬぐい、複製画などの展示販売と似顔絵をします。
POP UP at Mixuary at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi.
I will be drawing live at an outdoor even on 6/10 in Chiba park.
I’m having a solo show in Tokyo.
I will be drawing on the windows at TRIE Keio Chofu again on the weekend of 27th and 28th.
吉祥寺のギャラリー、Shell102 でのグループ展に参加してます。
I’m taking part in a group show at gallery 102 in Kichijoji.
SHIBAURA HOUSEにて、「NL HOUSE」の一部として、48時間のライブドローイングを行います。
Live drawing at SHIBAURA HOUSE near Tamachi station as a part of “NL HOUSE.”
My friend and a tap dancer, Masaki Murata has invited me to be one of the 16 artists to collaborate with for his project to support his friend’s theater. This will be a new type of collaboration for me!
I will be live drawing on the entrance windows at TRIE Keio Chofu this weekend.
(The photo is from last year’s event.)
DESIGNART Tokyo 2020の会場のひとつ、Vanmoof 東京ブランドストアにて展示します。
Showing my work at Vanmoof brandstore in Harajuku as part of DESIGNART Tokyo 2020.
Galaxy Harajukuにて、1日だけイベントに参加させていただくこととなりました!Galaxy Note10+ご購入のお客さまを対象に、ケースに似顔絵を描いてさしあげます。*予約必要。
In celebrating TRIE’s 2nd Anniversary, I will be drawing live on their entrance windows at the A building for 3 days.
あたしが渋谷の街を直接描いたロモグラフィーのLa Sardina DIが、抽選で1名さまにプレゼントされます!応募は2/14まで!
I will be doing Portrait Popup at an event called Playful Street 2019 at Kanda Nishikicho Terrace Square.
Doing a collaborative pop-up event with PLOTTER at LOFT Shibuya. I will do portraits for anyone who purchase the selected item, and will also do some live drawing on paper.
Celebrating Hosanna Café’s 2nd Anniversary, I will be doing Popup Portraits on May 9th. Portraits will be drawn on Hosanna mugs.
Popup Portraits at CABaN in Marunouchi for 2 days. CABaN totes with my hand-painted illustrations and my other merch also on display / for sale.
アトレ品川でライブドローイングします♪ 3/23(金)と3/30(金)の2週連続です。
I'm going to be drawing on windows and doors at Atré Shinagawa! Two Fridays in a row - 23rd and 30th!
Participating in PechaKuchaNight Tokyo tomorrow night! Come see me embarrass myself in front of a big audience.